Wow! What a year! Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I have been pretty consumed with other aspects of my life. School should be starting soon for Matt (except that the teachers are on strike!) And then life will hopefully get back to some sort of normalcy.
Uncle Donn is getting stronger every day (you can check out the blog for him at
My sister Becky had her baby girl yesterday!!! You can check out cute pictures of my niece Adelaide at their blog ( Becky's hubby Nathan just graduated!!! Congrats to him!!!
Rob's birthday is tomorrow. He will be 32 years old! He is trying like crazy to figure out what I got him for a present. Maybe this will be the first year that he doesn't actually figure it out! I'll let you know. He really wants Seahawks tickets but it won't be happening this year. The cheapest cheap seats were a little too pricey for me! Maybe, next year honey!
Matt will be 7 on Sunday. We are having dinner with the family at my place to celebrate all the august/September bdays on my side. We have a lot of them. I ordered a cold stone cake (per Rob's request!) so everyone better show up. Matt is having a Lego party with his friends next week. He is really excited.
No new adoption news yet. We are preparing a postcard with info to send out to everyone we know. This way if you hear of someone who is in need of finding an adoptive family or counseling they can get ahold of our social worker for more information, and not feel pressured by us in any way.
I hope everyone had a great summer! I will start posting here more regularly.
Gingerbread House Challenge 2013
11 years ago